Tetsujin 28-go FX: Superconductive Robo Gigantor FX

Tetsujin 28-go FX: Superconductive Robo Gigantor FX
Category Tokusatsu Anime
Year 1992
Type Full series Episode 47/47

Tetsujin 28-go FX: Superconductive Robo Gigantor FX is a Japanese anime series directed by Tetsuo Imazawa and produced at the Tokyo Movie Shinsha studio. It serves as the third installment of the Tetsujin 28 series, and a sequel to the first series. Tetsujin 28.

Tetsujin 28-go FX: Superconductive Robo Gigantor FX

Tetsujin 28-go FX: Superconductive Robo Gigantor FX

It ran on Nippon Television from April 5, 1992 to March 30, 1993, totaling 47 episodes; and broadcasted overseas to only Latin America.

Plot Tetsujin 28-go FX: Superconductive Robo Gigantor FX

The story follows Shotaro’s son, Masato Kaneda, who controls a new edition of the Tetsujin and works at a detective agency with other children. Among them are Shiori Nishina, granddaughter of Chief Otsuka. The Tetsujin 28 FX (Gigantor Future X) is controlled by a remote control gun, which has to be aimed at the robot for it to take commands.

Tetsujin 28-go FX: Superconductive Robo Gigantor FX

Tetsujin 28-go FX: Superconductive Robo Gigantor FX 1992

Tetsujin 28-go FX: Superconductive Robo Gigantor FX

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