Category | Kamen Rider |
Year | 1979 |
Type | Full series Episode 54/54 |
Kamen Rider Skyrider, also known simply as “Skyrider,” premiered on October 5, 1979. It is the sixth installment in the Kamen Rider series, created to revive the franchise after a brief hiatus. This series reintroduced the iconic Kamen Rider concept with a fresh take, featuring a Rider who can fly, a first for the series.
Kamen Rider Skyrider
Kamen Rider Skyrider connects to the previous series, incorporating elements from earlier Kamen Riders, and was aired alongside other popular tokusatsu shows of the time.
Kamen Rider Skyrider English sub
Kamen Rider Skyrider follows the story of Hiroshi Tsukuba, a young man who becomes the latest Kamen Rider after being saved and enhanced by a group of scientists.
The evil organization Neo-Shocker is responsible for Hiroshi’s transformation, intending to use him as their own weapon.
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However, Hiroshi rebels and becomes Kamen Rider Skyrider, using his newfound abilities, including the power of flight, to combat Neo-Shocker’s monstrous creations and thwart their plans for world domination. As the series progresses, Skyrider receives support from previous Kamen Riders, linking his fight with the legacy of the Kamen Rider heroes.
Kamen Rider Skyrider 1979