Category | Tokusatsu Anime |
Year | 1981 |
Type | Full series Episode 39/39 |
Galaxy Cyclone Braiger, released in 1981, is a mecha space opera anime set in the year 2111, where humanity has expanded across the solar system. The story follows the Cosmo Rangers J9, a group of mercenaries led by the enigmatic Isaac Godonov, who operate the powerful transforming robot, Braiger.
Galaxy Cyclone Braiger
Their mission is to bring justice to the lawless regions of space, particularly in the asteroid belt. Galaxy Cyclone Braiger is the first part of the J9 trilogy, which includes Baxinger and Sasuraiger, and it is well-known for blending space adventure with Western influences and mecha action.
Galaxy Cyclone English sub
Galaxy Cyclone Braiger takes place in a future where space colonization has led to the rise of criminals and outlaws in the asteroid belt. To combat this chaos, the Cosmo Rangers J9, a group of space mercenaries, travel aboard their ship, the Brai-Thunder, and pilot the transforming robot Braiger.
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Isaac and his team take on various missions to stop criminals, corrupt organizations, and even terrorists who threaten the peace of the solar system. The series showcases high-stakes battles, thrilling space chases, and the camaraderie of the J9 team as they seek justice in the far reaches of space.
Galaxy Cyclone Braiger 1981